Dyslexia: From Diagnosis to Treatment

Despite being a complex issue, it's important to understand what dyslexia is, in order to demystify this learning disorder.

In this webinar, we learn about some of the symptoms that children exhibit from a young age (kindergarten) that can help us in early diagnosis and treatment.

We also reflect on the best time to diagnose dyslexia and who can conduct this assessment. F

inally, we analyze some strategies, activities, and exercises for dyslexia that can and should be carried out in a home environment.

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Founded in 2015, NeuroImprove Clinic is a premier Therapeutic Center dedicated to enhancing the mental health and quality of life of our clients. We are comprised of a highly qualified multidisciplinary team, including Clinical Psychologists, Neuropsychologists, Neurophysiologists, and Neurofeedback Technicians.

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