5 strategies to increase concentration

The ability to concentrate is crucial for both adults and children, directly influencing performance in various activities, from household chores to academic achievement. More than just being able to focus on tasks, it's necessary to develop body awareness and self-control to remain in one place long enough to listen, absorb instructions, and process information. Thus, that is how we learn. Understanding how to stimulate and develop this ability in children is crucial for their cognitive and emotional growth.

1. A healthy mind in a healthy body

It's essential to meet the body's basic needs. A good night's sleep, with respect regarding the hours of sleep needed per age, is fundamental to ensure that children are alert and focused during the day. Additionally, a balanced diet, low in sugar, sodium, and preservatives, contributes to maintaining concentration levels.

2. Distractions

It's also important to eliminate or reduce as much as possible distractions in the home environment. Television, electronic devices, and toys can compete for children's attention, making it difficult to focus on a specific activity. Organizing the study space, closing windows/curtains to reduce external stimuli, secure good illumination of the room, and temporarily keeping pets away are measures that help create an environment conducive to concentration.

3. Environment and routine

Creating a routine and a conducive environment for studying is also crucial. Soft music or relaxing reading before intense mental activities can prepare the child's mind for focus. Additionally, having a specific area for studying, free from distractions, helps associate that space with concentration.

4. Learning through play

Activities that stimulate sequencing and organization are excellent for strengthening and increasing children's concentration. From setting the lunch table to board games that require planning, there are various activities that help the brain develop reasoning strategies, serving as exercises to increase and maintain attention for increasingly longer periods.

5. Individuality, always

Observe and respect each child's individual preferences. Some concentrate better on practical activities, while others prefer visual resources. Experimenting with different approaches and identifying what works best for each child is essential for developing their full potential.

It's common and normal, occasionally, to have difficulty maintaining concentration or focus, particularly when one is tired, overwhelmed, or exposed to excessive stimuli. However, these simple strategies can make a significant difference in developing children's concentration and focus, promoting healthy and positive growth in all areas of life. By adopting these practices, parents can significantly contribute to their children's academic and personal success.

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